Not that anyone is counting or anything. Oh wait I am definitely counting.
This stinks. By taking time off I knowingly gave up the marathon in December. I am at peace with that decision. I just miss running.
I wouldn't mind if I actually felt like I was making improvements but right now I feel like I am getting more sore each day and not less sore. How is that possible?
To add insult to injury - the only thing that really keeps my arthritic knees from hurting is continued running. I know that sounds counter-intuitive but I have found that I have much less pain in my knees when I am doing weight bearing exercises on them regularly. Its hard to add weight being exercises for my legs that keep the weight off my foot to allow the Plantar Fasciitis to heal.
And its depressing not getting to run. I'm trying to bike and swim some but those are just not as easy to go out and do. I can only swim around open pool schedules and that means driving somewhere and that takes additional time. I run when the sun isn't out but I won't bike in the dark. I also won't ride in the rain. Both of those limit days/times I can get out to ride.
I was really hoping taking 4 weeks off running would make a huge improvement and I'd be able to jump back into running and not lose much conditioning and training towards my now half marathon in December. I'm just not sure that is going to be the case now.
For now my life consists of rolling a hard lacrosse ball on my foot, using the foam roller (I never realized how tight some of my muscles in my legs really were), ice, ugly socks and even uglier shoes,
So that's it - 19 days since my last run - 87 days until my next half marathon one swollen heel and a very frustrated runner. What do you do when working through injuries to keep yourself sane?