I want to start this race weekend recap while it is still fresh in my sleep deprived brain. I will be sure to add photos later.
Before I get to the weekend let me start with a 2 week before race recap. It starts with my last long run “training run” that turned into a personal best Half marathon on October 27th in the pouring down rain in Houston. Despite the weather or maybe even because of it the Houston Half was a great race for me. I was loose and able to run easy with no pressure since it wasn’t a planned race. I ran with some friends from my training group for the first half of the race and I finished in 2:37:42 for a new personal best. I ran an exceptionally even race finishing the 2nd half of the race within 10 seconds of my time on the first half of the race. I also finished with a lot of confidence moving forward to the Wine & Dine half marathon.
2 weeks is not a lot of time for recovery and taper so I was trying to get my legs back and get them ready to run while working around things like Halloween and a trip to a water park with the family. I did a “nice easy” 4 mile run in Flint, Texas on Sunday November 3rd on what was a hilly route with a significant camber to the road. After my run we spent the day at the water park with no significant problems. Unfortunately, on the drive home that night my ankle started to really hurt and by Tuesday I was in tears and defeated and did not think I would be able to run at all for the Wine & Dine race so, I made an appointment with an ankle specialist for Wednesday morning. I woke up Wednesday and my ankle was starting to feel a bit better but I still wanted to get it checked out. The doctor took x-rays and examined it and said I have peroneal tendinitis caused from having very high arches which cause my ankle to over correct and roll out. The cambered roads exasperated the condition causing the pain. The good news was if it continued to feel better I could run the race as long as I took it easy and didn't push it if the pain persisted. I was feeling a little less defeated but not hopeful for another PR when I left Houston.
Next up - The Race Weekend Begins
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