Wednesday, August 13, 2014

More Destination Running - National Harbor, Maryland and Winchester, VA

It's been a great year for running in new and different places.  This summer has been especially crazy and I added two more run destinations to my list while on a combination business/vacation trip.

First stop National Harbor Maryland.  It was a beautiful but Windy afternoon.  I couldn't believe that at 5pm on July 28th I was able to go out and run and it feel "cool."  It was in the upper 70's low 80's and low humidity.  I almost didn't know what to do with myself.

National Harbor is just outside of Washington, DC.  As a matter of fact the trail I ran would take you into DC.  There was a sign that said 11 miles to the Washington Monument.  That would be a lovely 22 mile run but I was looking for 4-6  today.

So I did an out and back route down by the Harbor including the pier.

 And then I ran around the Harbor towards DC and up the footbridge that would take you across I-495.  At the top of the hill I turned around to head back

View from the top - Elevation gain 515'.  

For a brief moment I thought I might be at the Swan Resort in Disney World :) but no just a Swan and Ducky Paddle Boat for Rent

The Eagle at the top of the trail before crossing the interstate

A random sculpture

The Carousel

The Peep Mobile

And Fleet Street - yes I did find myself singing Sweeney Todd after seeing this sign.  

All in all it was a nice run, but I went too fast on the hill and aggravated my Plantar Fasciitis again.  

But for once I finished a run not looking like a sweaty mess.  (and those were really odd hand play climbing structures behind me)

After the run in National Harbor I took a few days off running to rest my foot during the rest of the conference before heading to Winchester, VA.

I ran 4 miles in Winchester a few times.  I learned quickly that I was not in Houston anymore.  

For example in Houston, we don't have 4 mile courses that look like this.

I also never run on old brick sidewalks - (watch your footing it is tricky)

And we have decorated train engines and cows but not apples.  

I love getting out and finding new trails to run when I'm traveling.  Planning out routes is becoming one of my favorite parts of trip planning.  Next time I get up that way I really want to run the Monuments in DC.  We walked them all instead later in the week.  That was definitely a work out.  

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