Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Princess Weekend Overview and Thank You Notes!

A detailed race weekend recap to come with probably way more information than you want for each of the 3 races and the whole trip once I collect pictures from multiple sources and have time to put my thoughts together, but I want to share a few thoughts of the weekend while they are still fresh.

First off Thanks to my sister for coming to Florida and sharing this crazy weekend with me . We ran 2 very different races but we both had a lot of fun.  Congratulations Diane on getting a PR for your best time in both the 10k and the half marathon!

Me on the other hand, I can celebrate PR's for the most fun had in a 5k, 10k and Half Marathon.  My times were not important.

That leads me to my second Thank You!  Thank you Mickey Milers for being the best race team anyone could ask for.

Thank you Amy, Jill and Dale for running with me in the Frozen 5k.  It was truly a Frozen race but so much fun to run.  A Special thanks to Jen for coming out to cheer on such a cold morning.  That was above and beyond the call of duty.  :)  We survived the cold morning and the nonstop "Let it Go" in multiple languages.

And Thanks to Team Shenanigans for taking me in on the 10k.  Donna, Eddie, Brittany, Kenny, Jennifer, Dale and Pam, I'm not sure I have laughed so hard on a run before.    Being in a Fast Eddie Video made my week.  So much fun to have that to watch later.

And to all the crazy ladies (and Kenny) who made running the Half Marathon fun, Brittany, Caryn, Dale, Stephanie, Jackie, Pam and Jennifer.  We played chicken with the Balloon ladies, fought over the glass slipper, flirted with Villains and Heroes alike, squished through the castle like sardines and had lots of fun.  I've never finished a half marathon feeling like I could conquer the world like I did on Sunday and because of that I was able to enjoy Epcot to it's fullest that afternoon.

I had so much fun this weekend running and can't wait to do it all again on the West Coast for Tinkerbell.  Maybe I will skip the cone hurdles then (probably not) but I won't skip on the fun.

And a very special shout out to Ryan - my inspiration during the Half Marathon!

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