Monday, October 12, 2015

We're All Mad Here! AKA It's Taper Time

T- Minus 12 days (and a couple hours depending on when I post this) until the start of the 40th Marine Corps Marathon and that mean's one things.  Taper Madness is taking over my brain.  It doesn't help that the Astros choked in the 8th today and the Texans and Yellow Jackets seem to have forgotten that it is football season.  So if my sports teams can't keep my focused in the fall, I need something else to obsess about.

I don't remember feeling this way before my first 2 marathons, but I also hadn't put as much effort into my training for those, nor had I experienced that haunting sensation of a bad race that can fester and rock your confidence for years to come.

I find myself going over my training log wondering did I do enough, am I ready?  What pace should I start with during the race?  What intervals have worked best for me?  How should I handle the hills?  Which shoes should I wear?  How much water should I carry?  What does the bridge look like?  Can I beat the bridge?  Can I keep the pace?  How much should I run this week?  Next week?  What is the best way to get from the hotel to the start line?  What parking garage should I use?  Do I need to reserve a spot?  What mistakes did I make before NYC?  What can I do differently to not make those mistakes again?  What will the weather be like?  What can I eat the day before?    What are my goals for this race?  What do I want on my play list?

I need to replace all the negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
I need to visualize myself with the bridge in my rear view mirror.
I need to trust my training.  I've put in a lot of miles.  I should be ready to do this.  No I am ready to do this.
I need to stay healthy.
I need to relax and try to enjoy the moment
I need to get out of my own head.
I need to sit down and figure out the logistics.
I need to get more sleep
I need to hydrate

Maybe I should spend a little time in Wonderland with the Cheshire Cat.  Maybe I just need a different kind of madness to get through taper.  If I'm this crazy now, it's a good thing I have a cruise and Christmas to distract me during Dopey Taper.

What do you do to survive the weeks leading up to a marathon?  How do you keep sane?

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