Thursday, March 13, 2014

And the Hip Bones Connected to the Thigh Bone . . .

Dem bones, dem bones, dem running bones. [Skeleton dance.]
Dem bones, dem bones, dem running bones. [Skeleton dance. Move to the right.]
Dem bones, dem bones, dem running bones. [Skeleton dance. Move to the left.]
Doin' the skeleton dance. [Skeleton dance.]
The foot bone's connected to the leg bone. [Point to your foot, then to your lower leg.]
The leg bone's connected to the knee bone. [Point to your lower leg, then your knee.]
The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone. [Point to your knee, then your thigh.]
Doin' the skeleton dance.
The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone. [Point to your thigh, then your hip.]
The hip bone's connected to the backbone. [Point to your hip, then your back.]
The backbone's connected to the neck bone. [Point to your back, then your neck.]

It this case its really more about the muscles and ligaments that are all connected together. The good news is that my hamstring is not in pain anymore, but running earlier this week my knee and calf were very tight.

You know you have young kids when you start singing the Skeleton Dance to yourself well you are running and thinking about how they hamstring and calf are all connected together.

Speaking of singing/music maybe I need to rethink my running play list some. "What is this Feeling?" From Wicked - although a great song is probably not the best song to come on the playlist when running. I probably don't need to think about loathing anything on a rough run.

I've been easing back into my running routine. I'm looking forward to getting back on track, but its been good to have a couple of slow weeks.

I am so happy to have daylight savings time back. I hate losing the hour but I love having daylight in the evening so I can take the kids for a walk to the playground after work. I would be happy to keep daylight savings time year round. Somehow it also makes it feel lighter when I go for a run at night, even going after the sun goes down.

Spring is trying to fight its way into Houston. I'm hoping that we have seen the last of winter for the year. I know it hasn't been that cold in Houston compared to most of the country, but for Houston it has been a very cold winter. I do hope that doesn't mean it will be a miserably hot summer.

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